July 13, 2012

Another great reason to move to Portland, OR...

I swear to DOG I could see myself living in Portland Oregon.  It is an amazingly beautiful, fun, intelligent, silly, artistically open minded, frigging awesome place!  It reminds me of how cool San Francisco and Berkeley used to be.  The "Establishment" has killed the beauty of freedom in Berkeley.  No more parades celebrating liberal arts, open-minded speech and FREEDOM marches are a thing of the past.  The Berkeley Police department even has a "New Armored Personnel Vehicle" to protect the public from the homeless hippies in People's Park and the antiques from the Free Speech Movement.  WTF!  San Francisco is doing the like.  It's a crying shame.  Portland Oregon is greener, less expensive, more lush and sexy.  Come on, any city that's motto is, "KEEP PORTLAND WEIRD", is a place I could live. 

I rented a movie on NETFLIX last night called, "How to die in Oregon", and here is the trailer.  I found the movie comforting and brilliant.  We put our pets and farm animals down when they are terminal and suffering, why don't we put ourselves down in the same situations?  It is the most humane thing to do.

I lost one of my closest friends to a fucked up horrible case Lymphoma last year.  He suffered horrific pain; I mean fucking fucked up horrible excruciating pain that even the maximum doses of Morphine would not even help with.  Fortunately for him, he died quickly.  As in this film, many do not.  They are terminally ill and suffering and should have the legal right to end their own lives with dignity and mercy with the ability to say goodbye, close loose ends, listening to something wonderful playing, with their loved ones around them, at the time of their departure. If I ever find myself in that kind of scenario, I would like to have the choice.  I guess we all do, but wouldn't it be more humane to have it be legal? WTF California? 

If you get a chance to rent this, I highly suggest watching it.  

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