November 13, 2018

Never enough...

This year has been an amazing one.  I had the chance to get off the hamster wheel of life and rearrange myself inside. I’m like a rubik's cube with a soundtrack going on at all times inside me. I’m sort of like the kooky board game “Cards Against Humanity”, that wins at every hand, and never gets bored with laughing at myself.  If you follow me on Facebook, I don’t spend much time in there. I do post a daily theme song from my Spotify when I'm cruising in my van, that describes what I'm grooving on most every day.

MUSIC IS EVERYTHING. It’s the one language I think everyone understands.

It must be weird to read this. What person describes themselves in metaphors as much as I do? Answer: Someone who spent a shit ton of time alone unplugged from the world, on the beach of the Pacific Ocean to change themselves and their life direction. 

I was headed in a secure yet dull direction. It got stale and no amount of security could contain me or hold me in one place for too long. I need to explore everything life has to offer and then push that beyond even it's  limits to insure history doesn't repeat itself, unless I want it to. 

I love the Creators of the world. I can't get enough of their beauty, excitement and passion for creating. 

It takes one to know one. I see the world in ways that are WAY outside the box, the current state of society and this Matrix reality.  Creators are Culture Influencers.  This is how we subtly change the world for the better.  I'm called to be out front to boldly go where others don't dare to and come back to share my experience with you.  I like to have a landing pad to rest in and learn things in deeper ways. Then I get that itch to go explore. 

Yet, I have now found a way to be "Home" everywhere I go. This has given me the freedom and wind I needed to sail. I have hovered around California for way too long, I want to see all of this country and the best of the rest of the world. I want to meet, perform and spend time with cool people in other countries.  I needed to be sure of what I really wanted and why I was going there. I need to find a way to live successfully ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD as a "Digital Nomad", which is what I am creating right now.  

Having all of my old and the new music charts in my own key digitally, will allow me to higher the musicians anywhere I land and tour to deliver my performances. I'll record some things before I take off, but there is no guarantee that what I choose to become will give me the things my heart desires. I'm okay with that. I’m happy enough with enjoying the journey to push myself beyond my perceived limits, and see the view from the next level I get too. "Besides, the goal isn't always the trophy" a quote by my beloved heroine, Superwoman Lilly Singh. Check out her book here. I  f**ing love Canadians dammit! 

As a singer and story teller, I’m auditory in this creative expressive part of myself. I create from my heart, voice and words. It’s a powerful hypnotic magnetic force. My subliminal studies have a place in my music. I draw a person into a beautiful place inside of themselves with my voice, and it replenishes them and renews them.

I’m weird, what can I say. Half of me is a soft, ultra-feminine, sweet romantic jazz singing woman, whose mission is to help the world fall in love with life, themselves and one another. The other half is a wild woman who is a silly philosophical comedian that quietly stands out in a crowd and teaches the rookies how to party without getting too fucked up. I am just the unusual free spirited timeless babe to demonstrate how to do this with my own style, art, music and taste-fully yummy ways – LITERALLY.  I get rowdy baby and I am in full stage entrepreneurial hustle mode.  

I am visual in this creative expression. I see and try and capture the world in little films and stories that I tell and share them all with you, in kooky funny ‘TRES WAYS.’ This part of me will make you laugh, challenge you, give you a boner, and maybe even fire you up to do something NEW that will inspire you to think and live in ways you never had before.

I need to express both parts of myself to remain in balance.  I’m working very hard behind the scenes to express each of these parts of myself.  All of my life, my music, art and creative expression were never monetized in away before that could sustain me because I thought it would cheapen it or lessen it in its beauty in some way. I no longer believe this.

I am worth it. I am a creator that is alive to remind us all why it's good to be ALIVE!  I bring joy, love, security and inspiration and that is not only worth something to every soul on the planet, it is PRICELESS, but coming up with an actual number has been really weird.

I'm back from my soul searching sabbatical with a new EVERYTHING and my feet are on the ground.

I'm tough where the scars have healed. I'm determined to no longer sit in a cube of death and work for other people. I am more alive and happier than ever in my life designing, writing and cooking up some recipes for FUN to share with you all, and enjoying the process.  The secrets of my heart and my mind are finding there way into artistic mediums that I think you will enjoy. You will find out exactly what I mean soon.

The year ahead is sounding, looking and feeling delicious on so many levels, I no longer can be so selfish. 

It's never enough for me unless 
I can share it all with you.

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