December 30, 2013

Was Jesus a Carnie?

I have spent the majority of my life in search of answers to why we are here, where we come from and what is our purpose. Based on all of the info, my deep sessions with teaching plants, the evidence hidden as well as my own other worldly experience’s what I have concluded so far is:

I am that which is aware of observing an infinite sovereign being of pure energy that has been tricked into signing up to experience this 3rd dimensional lifetime as a female for educational and entertainment purposes.  I have done this before as male, female and even other creatures way too many times.  I have been here many times living many lives sharing my lives with similar groups of others playing out similar scenarios over and over.

I wouldn’t know if I learned a lesson before because I have no good clear memory of my past knowledge and these life spans are so short, I only get glimpses of the past.

By the time we each adapt beyond survival and begin to understand how to create a valuable existence for ourselves and one another as a whole in harmony, we expire into the grand recycle bin and start over without a clue why we are here, again.

I think we get to pre-select who we want to be in major parts of our story line and where we start out, who may cross our paths along the way and at what times etc. The rest we create as we go.  The crazy part is we don't know what our group or others are choosing and if we are a part of it.  It gets fun, exciting, scary and is truly an adventure! IT'S A WILD RIDE!

Our bodies were clearly not designed for this world.  My actual light body is capable of many things.  Every thought is a thing and I can manifest and create anything I can imagine.  But my light being doesn't work to it's full potential and capacity inside this human skin suit naturally.

It's been over 150 years and still the missing link evidence for Darwin's theory has not been found or proven.  So we didn't evolve from the monkey.  Part of our bodies DNA may be from here, but the other part of our make up was brought here from somewhere else.  Somewhere very different from this planet.

Much of our “Junk DNA” it is called does not work here. We don’t use most of our brain capacity, so these are a huge indicator that the design is either flawed or much of our DNA was not meant to be combined with what they tried here with us, because it doesn't work here.  Our light bodies are not a good match for these human vessels or these vessels have not adapted to this space and place.

I do appreciate my life, my body and my time here but, it's really a shame that our bodies are so incompatible poorly designed, they do break down easily, don't last long enough to make any wise thoughtful real progress as a race of beings and just plain are not compatible with our light bodies.  

Maybe that Appendix does do something important in another climate or if we used all of our DNA in these body forms? How about those "Wisdom Teeth"?  Imagine what life and the world would be like here if  our DNA, our brains could work with our minds better, and what if these bodies did work to full capacity?  

If we used all of our brains capacity, I bet we would be much more aware, would have far more than just 5 senses to use and enjoy.  We would make wiser long term decisions and would be happier and healthier and be much more capable of creating truly great lives, even if they were short term ones like these 100 year go around a pop?  What if we did live longer life spans?  Imagine how much more you could learn and know with more time to study and apply your knowledge with experience?  

I know I'm giving some transhuminist a boner right now, but where do we really come from? 

So who does our true mommy and daddy DNA for this interface come from?  Did some long headed Anunnaki race experiment with a grand mixture of intergalactic races DNA to create us?  Is that why their are millions of people being abducted for hybrid programs all over the world?

Either our vast history has been erased over and over by said world event catastrophes or not a lot of thought or good planning went into the back storyof our origins in this interface.  We have no owner’s manual or clear truth for the why we are here, but certainly lots of silly ideas around that notion. 

The thrill of the ride is in the mystery. We just show up here without a clue of who we are and have to figure it out with lots of obstacles and rewards along the way.  

Then as we progress by harsh trial and bad error's we leap forward in strides without wisdom to guide us and are punished for not knowing better. Our punishment is having to live with the consequences of our mistakes.  A world of polarity, The Ego vs. the True Light of Love - hopefully rediscovering who we are with our bad case of amnesia in the process.

If we had full access to our true light, powers and knowledge at full capacity, the Earth and the spirit of mankind would not be in the state it is in today.  It is also clear that we are being manipulated by many hidden programs within this matrix by warring factions seen and unseen.

There are other intelligent lifeforms living among us that are not from here.  There are also many other life forms sharing in many other slices of time within our space.  These beings are manipulating us before and after death. This is how my personal journey began.  I needed to find an explanation for what I have been seeing as someone who can see in between worlds and notice those who are from other origin.  This space and “Place” is certainly not as real as we all are lead to believe. 

It is also clear that we are being observed. We are a complex myriad of multilevel entertainment for "higher beings", and for ourselves. We are observing ourselves in the ride.  You get to interact with yourself in the ride/game, and if you get quiet while inside the interface and learn to recognize your voice from outside guiding you along, it's a huge bonus for your progress and fulfillment in life. It gives a new meaning to "Your Higher Self", doesn't it?

Others are spectators and want to help you along too.  Some love us and guide us, some want to control us and need our worship as obedient slaves, who think we are free, and to several we are a natural resource raised as a food. Some are attempting to change our physical bodies with Synthetic Biological Nanotechnology without consent by using a planetary engineering program that is affecting and targeting all living things.  Frequency, Sound combined with Light play a huge role in this interface.  We will find the right frequency to stop the replication.  This interface is teaming with all kinds of creatures that want to play Grand Architect and expand and take over the Universe.

This is an intense, wild and unpredictable place.  It's what ever we make of it.  Within the painful cracks is so much beauty, love and joy, there is no wonder we keep coming back again and again. It is the act of creating that is all the fun.  It's the pure original novelty that makes every second here in this interface worth living in.

We are the creators of our experience here.  We are having a direct in our face chance at rediscovering who we are as creatures of intention and creation.  We must find a way to stop the take over of humanity to live free once and for all, and we will.  Novelty is only novelty if it is free to be that.

I think all of our life experiences are fed into the Akashic Main Frame for a multilevel data record of eternal fractal novelty creation to have the information to create infinite possibilities on all future life interface experiences.

You, the Real You, is probably laying in a comfy chair right now wearing some cool galactic biological suit drinking a Mai Tai. Philip K. Dick was correct.

I think we signed up to come here for the experience, very much like a grand amusement park – A Ride, and this ride is beginning to turn into a bad SciFi Movie.

Maybe when we are in deep sleep, we are taking a dinner break in Real Time?

Dare I ask, who created the Main Frame?  Was Jesus a Carnie?

I wonder if there are many rides to choose from in many, possibly infinite worlds, times and spaces?  

It must be a prototype because for many who come here, it's not always a happy ending.  Maybe they wanted to try an experience with an unknown ending for a change?

It's a great ride but could use some improving.  Maybe the tech team are working out the bugs? Maybe this matrix has a virus and needs a reboot or an upgrade?

It's probably just a low budget experiment that became the all time rave ride in the universe.

Maybe we got free tickets?



Know, then, that salvation is not attained by uttering Mantras, or by the burning of incense, or observing thousands of fasts. Until the incarnated Soul knows that he is divine, he cannot attain salvation. - Mahanirvana Tantra.

Know the Divinity that is within you,
That you may know the Divine One,
Of which your Soul is but a ray.
- Proclus.

“Jesus Christ knew he was God. So wake up and find out eventually who you really are. In our culture, of course, they’ll say you’re crazy and you’re blasphemous, and they’ll either put you in jail or in a nut house (which is pretty much the same thing). However if you wake up in India and tell your friends and relations, ‘My goodness, I’ve just discovered that I’m God,’ they’ll laugh and say, ‘Oh, congratulations, at last you found out.”  - Alan Wilson Watts,

November 20, 2013

Safe to be beautiful...

I pulled into the work parking lot this morning, parked my art car in the usual spot.  I got out and went to the bus stop area to wait for the next shuttle to take me to my office.  When I went to put my bag down, I stood up and my pants fell down.  I mean, like they dropped to my ankles.  No one was there, thank Dobbs!

I am down 19 pounds today on this low carb lifestyle.  But get this, I have lost 18 1/2 inches all over.  I noticed the pants were pretty loose when I put them on, but it's new for me to get used to losing weight this steadily.   I'm not ready to go shopping yet.  It's been ten weeks now.  I'm doing this slowly. I'm not dieting, so it doesn't feel real on some level. I just know that these pounds are from my past, and are not coming back.  I'm taking care of business.  I know what to eat and not thinking much about it. I'm not in big anticipation of being thin.  Actually, I am noticing the feelings that are coming up around not being so big.  I think being smaller and cute made me feel vulnerable and weak on some level.  This time my smaller cuter ass is going to pack some heat and some martial arts skills.

I was raped once by a someone I knew and trusted.  I was mugged once putting change in the meter at a side street unattended parking lot in Union Square on my lunch break in broad daylight.  An ex-husband punched me in the face once and then used to corner me in the house and rough me up more.  I was attacked once from behind late at night walking to my car after a jazz gig and barely escaped. I was shopping one day after work in Oakland and had a guy put a gun in my face and steal my purse.   A creepy guy I barley knew that I used to work with broke into my apartment when he knew I was at work.  He rigged a wire on my phone to record my phone conversations.  I found the wire when I was moving.  I had no idea who had tapped my phone at the time.  But he also found my diaries and read them and put post-it notes in them with comments and mentioned the phone tapping.  I didn't find those until I was unpacking after my relocation long after I had left the job and the town.  When the police went to track him down, he was nowhere to be found. Do you think I have trust issues?

I felt that being small and attractive made me a target for all kinds of assholes.  I was a trusting and nice girl, which made me a gullible dumb shit to predators.  I certainly used to give people the benefit of the doubt more.  I ended up falling in love with a very charming narcissist sociopath.  That experience and how it ended changed me forever.  It has played a huge role in my self esteem and trusting my own judgement when it comes to people I trust intimately, but I have certainly learned the hard way.  No matter how high functioning a psychopath or sociopath is, if you keep a safe distance and give it enough time, their patterns are predictable. Their mask starts to slip and you will eventually see the truth.

Needless to say, I have been shy when it comes to dating, or being vulnerable in general.  My own family has sadistic assholes.  I stay away from them because it hurts me to see what they do.  I have spent the last 10 years in deep study of Sociopathic, Psychopathic and Narcissistic behaviors and have had the opportunity to interact with them on a daily basis and have been taking notes and keeping my distance.  People who have no conscious.  People who start their own cult following that have a very high opinion of their own opinion and think they are more brilliant then anyone else alive.  They are pathological lying predatory camillians that change to fit where ever they can to manipulate whoever and where ever they want.  They shape themselves to be what they think you want them to be convincingly. Highly manipulative smart people who use others up and destroy their lives because, they can.

They are usually at the top of the food chain in business, groups or organizations.  They are sitting across from you in the board room.  Bad fucking evil people that seem so sincere.  They are the political people you know that are at the top in their field. Some are bottom feeders, manipulating, lying, lazy douche bags imposing guilt on kind care giving loving people, sucking souls, lives and bank accounts dry.  I am extra aware of them.  They are in key positions in our governments and ruthless.  I actually don't consider many of them human.  6% or more of the US population are either a Sociopaths/Psychopaths.  85% of that statistic are men.  There is no cure for them, no rehabilitation is possible.  Stay away from them at all costs.  Here is some support for those of you who need help if you are in a relationship with a Psychopath.

Here are three videos by Stefan Verstappen the author of "The Art of Urban Survival", you need to watch to get a better idea of what I am talking about and what you can do about them.

I think many people get fat to from the stress that psychopaths and sociopaths in power have created in our world.  Stress, we are bombarded with it on the news non-stop.  It's as if we are being conditioned and desensitized to accept this clear sick soulless careless violence is normal for us.  It is not.  Imagine what a better world it would be if psychopaths were not running the show?  It would end war and tyranny.  It would bring back the empathy and compassion needed to the spirit of humanity.  If we didn't have such psychopaths in positions of power making decisions, there wouldn't be a need for such an enormous defense budget.  If we stopped spending that much money on the war machine and more on creating, building safe dwellings, self sustaining gardens for food, clothing and medical help for every man woman and child on this planet, imagine what a better world it would be.  

For as harsh as it is, it is beautiful.  There is amazing beauty in every painful crack of it.  It is stressful to be here, but it is worth it.  Yet, when it comes to relationships or dating in general, doggy and kitty cuddling, java chip ice cream and a great movie are safer and less work any day of the week.  Before you know it, you are shopping at "Lane Giant", for big girl pants.  Spending too much time on your face and hair and avoiding full length mirrors in your house.  I have my own level of histrionics to live with.  I am an artistic personality, it is exhausting being me.  When you spent a majority of your life walking around with a core of un-lovableness, and someone would give you a genuine compliment and you would allow yourself to believe them, it is like sipping a glass of ice cold water in a very hot desert.  When you are that thirsty, you may surprise yourself when you find yourself gulping impolitely.  It can be embarrassing.  You can only quench your real thirst when you find your own inner endless loving water fountain and remember stay the hell out of the desert.

I strive for balance in myself, but have to watch it on my over the top self expression in places where it is not appropriate.  That is why being on stage as a vocalist and artist feel so comfortable to me and why a majority of my life is also spent in hibernation.  It was like I was born for circus life.  I kind of am my own circus show even when I'm alone.  Even when I am asleep.  I never get bored - EVER.  I have many artist, actor, comedian and musician friends that have similar personal dynamics.  The artcar artists are the most unique in my opinion.  We dance to the beat of our own gong and wear our freak flags proudly.  One thing I do know is, I must express myself creatively or I will eventually explode.  As long as I am creating, designing, planning, writing, singing and playing, I am okay and in balance.  Age and a stronger sense of grounding have mellowed me out.  I feel my simpler life with better quality friends is fulfilling enough for me.  When I do feel my well running dry, I get all dressed up and stand under the spotlight and sing a jazz gig.  Or I create something creatively grand and fun and sit back and watch peoples reaction to it.  Or I will try out some new recipe on my pals and throw a fun dinner music party.  People like me make the world a more colorful place and we feel compelled to do it.  I get personal validation from the smiles, laughs and hugs from sharing joy, love and connection with others.  I end up feeling loveable and full to the top with happiness.  Creating beauty is great, but it's much better to share with someone you love, and hopefully that includes you with yourself.  My mission is to help fill the smile gap and expose and nurture truth and beauty in all living things.

I think I also let myself get fatter because I didn't want the unwanted attention I used to get.  I didn't like my own reaction to me getting all of that attention.  It would feel good at first, but then I would get over stimulated and run for cover.  That has been my dance.  I'm older now, so I won't have to worry about that anymore.  Who would have thought turning 50 would be such a good thing? Carrying all that weight around was hard on my joints, legs, sleep and attitude.  Most of all, I was suffering from hiding my own power and light from the world.  I know for me, my fat did play a positive role.  I bet this may be true for many people out there.  No wonder we kept the excess weight on.  Today I am sick of it.  All of those shitty things that happened to me in my past used to make me feel afraid and helpless.  I have suffered depression for years.  My body rejected the prescription meds the doctors kept dealing me.  I had to fire all the doctors and get off the meds and save myself.  I did, and I still am.  I had to face my Reality head on, look in the full length mirror and deal with it, with patience and compassion for myself and a vision of hope for what I know was possible in me.  Doing art and music and finding great friends to laugh with have been my saving grace.

I don't have to be physically bigger to feel safe or padded enough to withstand the harshness of the world.  I am coming out of this fat hibernation to kick ass and take names.  I am as mad as hell and won't be taking that shit anymore.  I am a fist of fury to those who take advantage of weaker more vulnerable people.  I am getting stronger, leaner and more powerful so I can defend those who can't.  It started with me validating myself and learning how to defend myself.  As the weight melts off of me, I replace it with physical strength and confidence from my self defense and firearm skills.  I am now safer to be beautiful in our world and I hope to be an example to others on how you can be powerful and strong without hiding who you are and slowly killing yourself out of self preservation.  I understand why people do.

October 29, 2013

“Your task is not to seek for love...

....but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”     ― Rumi 

October 18, 2013

Ten Types of Guys Women Should Avoid at All Costs

No matter what age you are if you ask me, dating sucks.  The older one gets the more baggage one can accumulate.  This means it’s good to be able to spot “Psychosis Compatibility”.  I heard it said once, that what was considered, "A phase" in someone's 20's and 30's, if these phases continue into their 40's and 50's +, they then are considered personality disorders.  Make a note of that.  If someone doesn't think they have any baggage, then you most likely are really dealing with someone out of touch with themselves.

Knowing your own issues and being able to spot someone else’s and share and laugh about them together as you get older is kind of funny, but realistic.  I found this article helpful and very true for male or female roles in dating.  It's also a good measure to look at yourself and make sure you never become any of these guys.

It’s not always easy to spot a “bad guy.”  Most of them - upon first glance - look normal, talk normal, and even act normal.  They’ll hold the door open for you, chew with their mouths closed, and happily buy you a nice dinner.  It may take a bit before the horns, pitchfork, and tail begin to reveal themselves.   And let’s just call it out:  Women tend to overlook some obvious types of “bad guys,” usually because we either only see what we want to see or because we desperately want to believe we’ll be that one woman who will change them.  Uh-oh.  This is a sure-fire recipe for relationship disaster.  So as you go about the business of meeting your soul-mate, let’s explore the ten most common types of men women should avoid - No matter what.

1.  “The Checkered Past Guy” - I love the saying “the past is prologue.”  Very often who a person was, is who they are, and who they will be.  People don’t really change that much.  I’m not suggesting that a man has to be perfect or live in a house with a skeleton-free closet.  If he’s over the age of 12, good luck finding that, sister!  And as someone who’s made her fair share of mistakes, I’m all about second (and third and fourth and fifteenth) chances.  What I’m talking about is the guy who unapologetically flaunts every bad thing he’s ever done within five seconds of knowing you.  He’s the one who, on the first date, will tell you about the various women he slept with and how he cheated on his last girlfriend with the entire staff of “Crazy Girls.”  He’ll probably add, “But that was a long time ago,” just so you don’t run from the dinner table screaming.  Yah riiiight, buddy.  If your new guy admits his every flaw without getting to know you a bit first, he’s subconsciously telling you, “I’m a ‘bad guy.’  Stay away.”  If you accept all of this and tell him it’s all OK, part of him will wonder what’s wrong with you that you’d accept such a loser.  A good guy won’t be perfect.  But he’ll take a bit to show you his mistakes and flaws.  He will not wear them like a badge of honor.

2.  “The Player Guy” - There are two types of “players” out there:  The former player who is now looking to settle down and the perennial player who has no intention of settling down.  Ever.  The former is not necessarily a “bad guy.”  He’s sown his oats and is tired of the game.  He’s looking for stability and a woman he can relax with.  Here’s the rub:  If you are aware of his past, it can be very difficult to distinguish between the two.  I have a theory you might find useful when confronted with a “player guy.”  I believe that the player who will eventually be a decent partner truly loves women.  And that guy who will always be a cheating, manipulating sack o’ shit?  He secretly despises them.  Don’t pay too much attention to what he says.  The “bad guy” will lie without hesitation.  He’ll tell you what you want to hear - that he’s tired of being single, that he wants a relationship.  This, my dear, is utter B.S., so don’t get sucked in.  Instead, look at his actions.  Does he make you feel insecure or bad about yourself when you’re around him?  Does he constantly check out other women and/or comment on them in your presence?  Does he do things that degrade you such as talking to you as if you’re a little girl or feeding you directly off his fork?  If so, RUN.  This guy is bad news.  The reformed player is a different story.  If you meet one of those, more than likely he won’t even mention his “past.”  Mostly because he doesn’t want to scare you off.

3.  “The Not Over His Ex Guy” - Oh man, how bad is this guy?  It’s been my experience that every man has one woman in his life who devastated him/broke his heart/got away.  And woe to the woman who steps onto his path before he’s fully over her.  She will never, can’t ever, live up to the image of the near perfect GODDESS who crushed him.  I’ve found that most guys will talk about this pretty openly.  Watch carefully when he tells you about her.  If he says, “Yeah, she broke my heart,” and tears start to form in his eyes, it’s not because he’s sweet and sensitive. It’s because he’s not over her yet.  I suggest you quickly thank him for dinner/the movie/etc, grab your handbag, and make your way to the nearest emergency exit.  Don’t worry about the sirens going off - they’ll be a signal to all the other ladies within his reach that he ain’t ready for nobody else.

4.  “The Funny Guy” - It’s not a huge shocker that most women want a man who makes them laugh.  As we all know, having a good sense of humor is one of the most coveted traits in a mate.  Where you need to be careful is what he thinks is funny.  If his “jokes” are at your expense and are hurtful, that just isn’t cool.  I read somewhere that if a man is super sarcastic with a woman right away, he’s not trying to impress her.  Personally, I’m down with a bit o’ sarcasm.  I like it when my guy and I can tease each other in a good-hearted way.  But if it crosses the line and makes you feel bad, let him know.  If he’s a good guy and truly cares about you, he’ll check himself.  If he does it again, dump him.  He’s using his “sense of humor” to be hurtful.  And that’s never a laughing matter.

5.  “The Freight Train Guy” - Oh, how I love this one.  He’s a lot of fun, isn’t he?  At least at first.  He’s the guy who will move in on you faster than a speeding bullet.  He’ll want to spend every free moment he can with you.  He’ll call multiple times a day.  He’ll start talking about a future together before you’ve even gone out on your first date.  And, chances are, you’ll end up sleeping with him before you know how to spell his last name.  (“Really?  You spell ‘Smith’ ‘S-M-Y-T-H-E?’  I had no idea…”).  I also like to call this one “The Insta-boyfriend” and 99 times out of 100, he’s full of crap.  He’s the type of guy who loves the chase, has no appreciation for delayed gratification, and will most likely vanish as soon as you “casually” mention how you need a date for your cousin’s wedding.  Talk about a ghost train…  So when you hear the “Whoot!  Whoot!” of his whistle blown’ as he’s comin’ ‘round the track, see if you can’t get him to slow down a bit.  If he refuses to linger at your station until you feel safe enough to board, let him go.  Rest assured he would have  moved along anyway, dropping you off at his next stop and picking up another passenger before you’d even stepped down onto the platform.

6.  “The Married Guy” - When the women I talk to open up, I mean REALLY open up, I’ve been stunned at how many have fallen prey to the charms of this most dangerous of all bad guys.  Don’t be naive or righteous, sweet sister, any woman, given the right set of circumstances, can become his victim.  Why?  Because he’s good.  Real good.  If a toxic, single guy can smell a woman’s vulnerability a county away, a married man can smell it from an entirely different continent.  Perhaps you’ve gone through a terrible breakup or are in an unhappy relationship yourself.  This slimy snake can tell.  At first he’ll just test the waters.  “Wow.  Your boyfriend/husband/etc is the luckiest guy in the world to have YOU.”  And when you respond with a shrug and a sigh, he’ll know you feel lonely, unloved, and taken for granted.  After that, it’s “game on.”  I’ve heard it said that a married man will pursue a woman harder and more intensely than she’s ever experienced before.  Duh!  They’re married.  They know if they treated us like the single jerks do, we wouldn’t give them the time of day.  They will say things like “I’m falling in love with you” and “You’re the woman I should have married.”  They’ll send you love notes, play songs they say reminds them of you, and tell you that you’re the most beautiful woman they’ve ever seen.  You will begin to feel sorry for this poor, romantic, love-starved man.  What a cold bitch his wife must be!  He deserves so much better!  And if the perfect storm exists - his overwhelming need for fulfillment outside of his marriage + your need for validation and love + intense attraction + opportunity - watch out! You’ll believe his lies, envision a future with him, and more than likely will fall completely in love.  Poor girl.  I hate to tell you this, but you are not different.  Your love isn’t “special.”  You are NOT the exception to the rule.  Here are the three things that will happen:  (1) He will NOT leave his wife for you.  And if he does (which he won’t) or if his wife finds out and leaves him (which she most likely won’t), (2) you’ll suddenly turn into the bitch who made him leave his family and lose half of his stuff (and 90% of the time your relationship is doomed) or (3) you’ll become the vehicle he used to realize he wanted out of his marriage.  Think of yourself as a rental car he used to get from point A to point B.  No one ends up purchasing their rental car at the end of the trip.  It’s not even an option in the contract.  I know several men who fall into one of these three categories of married cheaters.  I know of NONE who married their mistresses and lived happily ever after.  To think that’s possible is to believe a dating fairy tale.  So here’s the moral of the story:  Avoid the married man at all costs!  ‘Nuff said.

7.  “The Prematurely Loving Guy” - Eeeeewwww!  This one is just plain icky.  He’s the guy who uses terms of endearment like “baby,” “beautiful,” and “honey” within five minutes of knowing you.  Here's the deal:  He does it because it’s what he thinks women will respond to.  If you are even slightly tempted to think you’re the only female he talks to in this way, let me assure you that you are not.  We women all dream of a loving man who will truly believe that we are beautiful and shower us with affectionate nicknames.  If he’s remotely worth his weight in salt, and he’s authentically crazy about you, he’ll wait a bit before he shows you this side of himself.  Anything else is false intimacy and he’s attempting to manipulate you.  Which is just plain creepy.

8.  “The Emotionally Needy Guy” - Every man needs a bit of reassurance that the woman he’s interested in likes him in return.  And it’s your job to let him know he’s not wasting his time.  This isn’tbeing emotionally needy.  The type of guy I’m referring to here is the one who needs constant validation.  He’s not doing it to make sure you like him.  Nope.  In fact, it has little to do with you.  This guy is USING you to stroke his ego.  He’ll say things like, “How do you feel about me?,”  “Do you want to see me again?,”  and “I wish I knew how much you liked me.”  A real man will tell you he enjoys your company and wants to see you again.  And then he’ll wait (with his fingers crossed behind his back) for your positive feedback and encouragement.  This is the type of guy you want.  Do not confuse him with “The Emotionally Needy Guy.”  All he wants is for you to prove yourself and your feelings to him.  And if you don’t, or when he’s conquered you and gets bored, he’ll be off to the next girl who makes him feel good about himself.

9.  “The Mother Issues Guy” - Oh, is this one ever tricky.  And he comes in many shapes and sizes.  There’s “The Too Much Mother Guy” and “The Not Enough Mother Guy.”  We all know “The No Woman Will Live Up To My Perfect Mother Guy” and “The Every Woman Is Evil Because My Mother Was Evil Guy.”  If only it were as simple as determining if he’s a “Mama’s Boy” or not!  And this bad guy is only exposed after very careful examination and a thorough investigation of his family dynamics.  I’m pretty convinced that the number one biggest factor in determining how a man will treat a woman is based on how he views his mother.  Look for a man who loves and respects his mother.  BUT (and this is important), he should also have the ability to see her as she is - imperfect and capable of making a mistake or two.  Never get seriously involved with or marry a man who sees his mother as “flawless.”  If there’s ever an issue between you and her, you’ll lose.  Every time.

10.  “The Selfish Guy” - Unless you are a masochist or have the patience of a saint, flee flee flee from this one.  We’ve all experienced him.  He’s the guy who thinks only of himself, who will always put his needs before yours (or will grumble whenever he does occasionally “compromise”), and will insist on having things his way.  He may be selfish with his time, his emotions, and/or his money.  He’ll want you to absorb into his life instead of working to co-create a balanced partnership with you.  In addition, he may also have the constant need to be the center of attention.  Great.  You’ll end up being his little side-kick who’s along for the ride.  It amazes me how many people - men and women alike - are truly selfish.  We all have a tendency to put ourselves and our feelings first, but one of the great joys of relationships is the opportunity to nurture and care for another person.  Very few of us will tolerate selfishness in our friendships.  So why do we accept it in our romantic relationships?  If he’s not meeting your emotional needs, or if you’re giving more than you’re receiving, please do the following:  Yell “NEXT!” at the top of your lungs and move the heck on.

I’m not a particularly religious person, but there’s a Bible verse I really like and think is appropriate to share here.  It goes like this:  “Do not throw your pearls before swine.”  I believe that every “good woman” is a pearl - a unique and precious gem that deserves to be prized and esteemed.  When we give ourselves to men who do not appreciate our value (aka “swine”), we always get hurt.  So what’s a single gal to do?  Here’s my advice:  When you meet a man, don’t rush into anything.  Instead, stop yourself and be sure to “look, listen, and learn.”  Do all of this before you give him your heart, yourself, your “pearl.”  Eventually you’ll know all you need to determine if he’s worthy of you.  And if he’s not, get the hell outta there.

I really liked this article by Jenn Clark, she is funny and I dig her style.  More articles of hers here: