February 9, 2011

Hope for the future...

I have been tired, I mean deep down to the bone tired of living lifetime after lifetime coming back to a world where there is so much suffering and pain.  I had decided that the next time I die, I'm going to have a sit down chat with the Creator and say I want a long soul vacation. 
How many of you have had this same feeling?

I have done all the self help, deep meditational, medical psycho-medicational, and just about every new age "Try to feel better" thing on the planet to figure out why I feel like such crap and everyone around me too.  I started to dig and do research on what actually IS GOING ON in the this world to try to make some sense of it all.  I researched into all the ancient texts, religions, conspiracies, studies of human brain, psychology, sociology, economics, politics, futurist and predictive measures, magic, forbidden secret cabals, the human spirit, the earth, nature itself.... and have learned much about who we are and how we have been operating here on this 3rd dimensional space.

The why has puzzled me too.  I'm pretty sure it has to do with Love and Creating cool stuff and sub-categories of such love in infinite ways of expression.  Not everyone, but deep down I believe All living things want to thrive more then just survive.  I have concluded that what systems we have in place currently stink.  It's not about blaming or fearing who we put in charge to watch over us anymore.  There is no doubt that the system has been compromised and is being managed by a spirit of scarcity and greed.  We need to take a moment and look at what we are doing to ourselves, one another and to our home - our planet.

I got REALLY INSPIRED when I found this video interview with a futurist Jacque Fresco here... 

Then found The Venus Project here... (Lot's of great ideas and videos in the link)

Then found the newest of a series of mind opening 2011 videos Newest Here...

I suggest watching the Zeitgeist Original Video Series here... (They are long, controversial and mind openingly interesting)

When I watched these, I felt a new sense of hope and purpose.  I felt YOUNG and EXCITED about living again.  I take most things with a grain of salt, and I have lot's of questions, but I like the ideas and can see a future I would like to come back too.  Change, I imagine will be rough, but I believe Jacque makes perfect sense, and the truth that all human beings having there basic needs be met would certainly make this world a better place to live.


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