January 20, 2009

Inaugural Kick Off Day...

Same Game, New Quarterback...

Intelligent friends that I know are doing back flips at the thought of a new Democratic President, but for the objective thinking folks out there yes it's a huge breakthrough for the racism that needs to be put to rest in this country, and this is a new day indeed where that is concerned.

But dear world I implore you.. what is with this, "Oh I hope he can save us crap?" Do you still believe that the US president runs the country? Whether you are aware of it or not, there are waring power hungry factions fighting one another behind the scenes over who gets to control - YOU.

The short of it is that humans have been manipulated on many levels for who knows how many thousands of years. What the control freaks behind the curtain don't want you to know is:

1. You out number them.
2. You are more powerful then you realize.
3. You create your world with every thought, and belief and action.

If you REALLY want change, STOP THINKING YOU NEED TO BE SAVED!!!! Big Daddy Government, Big Daddy Religion have been controlling you for too long. Pick yourself up and grow something, build something, create something for yourselves and your community.

When you REALLY need help, it will be there when you reach out to your divine connection. However you do that is up to you.

When you give up your personal independence in order to "Be Protected" you give up your free will. The BIG SECRET that has been hidden from you and is being kept from your awareness at all costs is that YOU ARE AN INFINITE POWERFUL IMMORTAL BEING OF DIVINE LIGHT.

When you remember this, who you REALLY ARE... you will no longer live in fear of death. You will change and so will the world, for the better. Your inner eyes will open and you will see what and who you are. The hope you are looking for in your saviours - is within yourselves. We are awaking from a long slumber. It is time to stand up and shine.


Paul F. Etcheverry said...

To continue the sports metaphors:

Yes, it's same game with a new quarterback. . . The good news: this looks like the equivalent of replacing Gus Frerotte with Peyton Manning or a healthy Tom Brady. The bad news: we're the Detroit Lions, it's third down and our field position is on the bottom of a 45 foot hole on the back of the other team's goal line. And we owe the other team a lot of money.

Just curious. . . what did you think of the poem at the inauguration? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nH6fC3W3YvA

yodaismycopilot said...

Obama (aka Barry Soetoro) is a Trilateral Commission stooge. He will bomb the crap out of Pakistan and Afghanistan, and fail to address the most obvious issues for the People: budget deficits, foreign entanglements, the Federal Reserve scam of 1913, and the continual reduction of civil liberties. He has already spent gobs of federal tax money on the 1984-like "public service" ads with countless and varied sheep babbling in senseless monotone "I pledge...to help a child...I pledge...to reduce my carbon foot print...I pledge..to...repeat the program of Chairman Mao...I pledge...to be a mindless idiot.." These people do not understand that Bush was the set-up and Obama is the kill shot. The agenda is to federalize everything and then we will be completely trapped and enslaved. The left-right paradigm is planned and false. The real four issues above are never dealt with, and the sham of the false "left-right" dialog is intended to distract you from the real issues. It is no accident that all of the major 3rd party candidates pledged solidarity on these four issues (Cynthia McKinney, Ralph Nader, Chuck Baldwin)at a National Press Club event arranged by Ron Paul. Yet, neither McCain nor Obama would even speak of these issues. The reason is that they are both foot soldiers for the military-industrial complex and the international banking cartels. It is mind boggling that people fall for this.

collinagray said...

Hi, my name is Collin and I'm the founder of the Santa Cruz Paranormal Research Society. I saw that you listed paranormal as an interest, and would like to invite you to give input, advice or participate in some of our research. I would also like to hear about any paranormal experiences you or people you know may have had. If interested, check out my blog, I have current projects under way, and plan to do some more research and outings. Thanks for listening. Oh yeah, I just wanted to say that I love the burning man picture, that's awesome!