March 9, 2011

Here is what I woke up to yesterday morning...

I just got back from the weekend. I had a great gig at the Calistoga Mud, Mustard and Music jazz festival, then went up to Harbin Hot Springs and camped in Lisa's Burning man Class B Camper Van... here is the video I took when I woke up yesterday morning...

March 5, 2011

Feel the Burne….

Psycho Killer Qu'est-ce que c'est….I’m sitting in my hotel room in Calistoga, CA chilling before tomorrows jazz gig for the Calistoga "Mustard, Mud & Music" Festival. They are comping some nice dining for the band, so Doug and I are going to check out Brannan’s in a little bit. 

Dangerous Martini is going to shake and stir this place up good.  David Burne is going to feel a burn when we put the dangerous martini lounge spank on one of the Talking Heads covers tomorrow.  I keep listening to the song here on my laptop.

The French part is interesting…Ce que j'ai fait, ce soir-là - What I did that night, Ce qu'elle a dit, ce soir-là - What she said that night, Réalisant mon espoir - Realizing my dreams, Je me lance vers la gloire - I throw myself towards glory.  Legend has it that this was Isadora Duncan’s last words before her tragic death. We are vain and we are blind, I hate people when they're not polite

There is always something the same about hotel rooms no matter where you go, their just like airport bars… stale, overly nice and lonely.