October 3, 2013

My Mo Jo is working it's way back....

OMG, I got on the scale this morning and I have officially lost 10 pounds total in the last two weeks.  I lost 3 ½ inches last week, so I’ll take my measurements tonight for the weekly update.  I have been eating thick cut, fancy pants BACON every day!  This Ketogenic lifestyle is really working for me. I even drank vodka all last Saturday during Fogfest with Hansen's Diet Soda Mixers.  I have not exercised at all the last two weeks.  Did you know Tequila, Vodka, Gin and even Whiskey have NO CARBS?  You don't burn fat when you drink them, but they won't take you out of Ketosis. It's all about keeping your insulin levels low so your body burns it's own fat for fuel.

It has been weird to eat so much fat every day, but that is the key to the success of this.  Eating Fat does NOT make you Fat, as long as you keep your intake of carbohydrates low.  The part that amazes me most is, eating rich fat full foods is very satisfying and makes you full on much smaller portions of what you ate before, eating flour and sugar and high carbs.  The New Atkins plan is much better than the old one.  I'm eating High Fat, Medium Protein and Small Carbs, that's it.  I'm not eating as big of portions of food, just smaller, richer flavorful ones.  Maybe the French had it right after all?  

I have had a lifelong struggle with food and my body image and it has been very liberating to feel like I have control and comfort in this area of my life, once and for all.  This is not a diet.  It’s a lifestyle, which is much easier to live with. My blood sugar is balanced.  I have a Blood Glucose and Ketone Monitor I am using to test where I am at daily.  What about cholesterol you ask? According to the Senior Scientist Ronald Krauss, MD, the man behind the research on LDL (bad cholesterol) size, low-carb is better!    I also have noticed my mood and hormones feel much more stable as well.

For years I would lower my calorie intake and be hungry all of the time.  I was eating high carbohydrate fresh vegetables and high sugar fresh fruits, and not losing much fat and feeling hungry all the time.  I would crave fried foods, dairy, and sugar.  It was torture.  How I thought about it made it rough too.  I would have a date in mind, a weight loss deadline and I would starve myself to stay motivated and ramp up my exercise to make my goal.  I usually did, but as soon as I got off the “Diet”, I went right back to eating and drinking the same things that got me to that fat place.  I would always gain back the weight I lost, plus ten pounds.  Deprivation doesn’t work for me. 

Years of losing large amounts of weight for special occasions, abusing diet pills to be able to function on 800 - 1200 calories per day was what I did for 30 years.  I like fresh live juicing for a cleanse and detox once in a while when I can take time off of work to do it.  It's not something one can do for long periods.  A low-fat, vegetarian diet is torture, I don't care what you say.  It's the best way to abuse pasta, rice and other high carbs to make up for the lack of satiety you get from eating meat proteins and fat. You can only drink so much water to fill you up before you need to install a toilet at your desk. 

I felt like hell and laid awake at night while Escargot in garlic butter and Filet Mignon smothered in Bearnaise sauce haunted in my dreams.  I loved the Fen-Phen days… I never was hungry.  I stayed at my goal weight as long as I was taking the pills.  I never slept, I bruised very easy and I would find myself obsessively scrubbing the bathroom tiles at 4:00am.  I was strung out on Amphetamines, chewing my lips all the time.  I looked good, but was horribly unhealthy.  I had to buy scar coverage make-up to cover the bruises I would get on my legs just from touching them.  It was sad.  

Then Fen-Phen was taken off the market and I gained all the weight back plus more! Beautiful skinny woman are cranky and bitchy because THEY ARE HUNGRY DAMMIT, or they are on DRUGS!  You might think having a slender girlfriend is great and all, but they ain't fun to be around when they are obsessed with their bodies and being driven insane by our culture of what successful women should look like in today's standards.  They are starving or that sound you may remember hearing in the bathroom late at night after you fell asleep, is the art of quiet vomiting.  Purging is for the professionals, the women who must stay skinny for their profession.  Ask any model.  It's rough being a modern day girl.  

A very wise weight loss coach told me once, “If you can’t maintain it, you can’t sustain it.”  Meaning, if you can’t keep it up long term, you will just keep doing this same thing that is not working over and over.  A model does need her esophagus to work long term, and not corrode from bile damage.  It's not like AA and you don't ever drink again, one has to eat to survive.  The short term diet is the problem.  That is why Jenny Craig, NutriSystem, Medi-fast, Raw Food Diet, Live Juicing, HGG Diet and the million others don't work long term.  Finding a lifestyle that you can live with, still enjoy eating and have balance is what has finally happened with me.  It took me this many years to finally get it. I know a couple friends that are doing great on Weight Watchers, but it never worked for me.  I like the support from people I met at the meetings, weighing in to be accountable, bit felt deprived and crazy the whole time. Every body is different, you have to find what works for you long term.

If it takes me two years to get to my goal weight, I am fine with that, it's just going to take as long as it's going to take.  I am over being obsessed with weighing myself, and weighing my food, and riding an extra 30 mins. on the bike to burn the small caloric indulgence I had.  No more insanity.  I am looking forward to not being judged by people for being overweight either.  People are cruel and are mean too overweight folks.  If you have never been 50 or 100 pounds overweight and think you have advise for a fat person, keep it to yourself or GO FUCK YOURSELF.  They don't need to hear it.  You are not helping.  Listen to someone who has lost 180 pounds and has a great online radio show for support and education.

Losing weight and keeping it off for life is a very personal thing. Even after losing only ten pounds, I feel better all over.  My joints aren't as achy, and my back is not stabbing me with as much pain this week.  I have more clarity and strength. I know it's only ten pounds and I'm ranting, but these ten pounds are not coming back, it's different.  I'll keep you updated on my progress and start posting some photos as the changes become more visual.  I hope my progress will inspire you if you are struggling finding your balance too.

I am shopping for a nice used treadmill to add to my daily routine of walking/ running even when the weather is yucky out, I can always jump on the treadmill and bust out 30 mins., deep incline while listening to my favorite Pod-casts.  Lord knows it's going to be dark outside at 5:00pm very soon, the holiday's are coming and I can eat all the high fat Appetizers wrapped in bacon, Prime Rib, Turkey, Creamed Spinach, Cream Gravies and many other yummy holiday foods without feeling afraid of gaining a pound.

For the first time in my life, I feel like I am in control of my own ass.  It feels fabulous!  It's a start, and my Mo Jo is working it's way back.

If you or someone you know suffers from Epilepsy, please let them know about this, millions of people have ended their seizures by living a Ketogenic lifestyle, it was designed for them.  If you want to learn more about the Ketogenic lifestyle, here is a list of books and some videos to watch:

Dr. Mary Vernon, MD: Low Carb Explained
Duke University's Dr. Eric Westman: The Science and Practice of Low-Carb Diets

Books (All of these are on Kindle):

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weight loss reviews said...
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