August 19, 2013

Transits & Nerves....

This is my big interview bonanza week.  I am in my 3rd round of interviews for one great "Healthcare Ethics" position and a 2nd round of interviews for another great job too!  The stars are aligned for me, and it feels like I will get one of these positions.  I'm not kidding when I said my stars are aligned, check these current transits out:

(Sep 15, 2013 to Sep 30, 2013) Jup Sqr Asc ~ A very promising opportunity:  

Someone is likely to offer you a very promising opportunity at this time, or you may have an offer for someone else that you think will be mutually beneficial. The offer seems like a "deal" that can lead to tremendous growth and success, and yet you wonder if it is too good to be true. Because there are risks involved, it is impossible to know whether the offer will work out well, and you consequently are likely to feel uncertain what to do. In truth, there is definitely the potential for opening up new avenues for success and fulfillment, but there is also a tendency to overshoot the mark due to overoptimism and a willingness to gamble and speculate. The best course is usually to proceed with some kind of plan, but to thoroughly investigate all details as much as possible, and to avoid wild speculation.

and then...

(Oct 4, 2013 to Dec 10, 2013)   Jup Conj MC ~ NEW JOB!

    A fortunate change of circumstances occurs in your work and career! You may receive a promotion, a job offer, a large contract, or salary increase. In one way or other, you step out of a situation that had become limiting and restrictive.  Don't wait for everything to fall in your lap. This is a good time to investigate new avenues for growth in career, to interview for a new job, and explore alternative solutions to finding fulfilling and satisfying employment. You may be surprised to hit upon something that is very good.

    The most negative tendency of this astrological influence is to be overly optimistic and consequently overextend yourself. For example, if you have your own business, you may invest too much money in advertising and promotion, or you may invest in an expansion project that exceeds available funds. This is a good time, but do not exaggerate the possibilities and potential in the new opportunities!

Oct 15, 2013    (Oct 13, 2013 to Nov 28, 2013)  ~ Jup 10th H.
Opportunities for advancement in your profession or for achieving some important goal or aspiration are likely at this time. If you have been working diligently, this is a time of public recognition for your efforts and an enhanced reputation. On the other hand, you may begin to feel cramped in the area you are working in presently, discovering that it doesn't have enough scope, in which case, you may change directions and begin a new, more promising line of endeavor. This is a good time to make such changes. You have more trust and faith that you can accomplish your dreams.

Oct 19, 2013    (Oct 11, 2013 to Oct 28, 2013)   ~ Sat Sxtil Plu
Dedication and commitment to work and relationships are key issues now. Excellent cooperation on important tasks is highlighted. In close personal relationships, you reach an even deeper mutual appreciation and understanding, and you are now able to assist each other more and work together more honestly and sincerely. Business relationships also work well now. Business meetings progress well because the different parties involved better appreciate the deeper concerns and issues at hand.  Your reliability, consistency, and dedicated work is appreciated, and you may receive recognition or a promotion now. This is a positive time for you when other people and situations assist you in accomplishing the tasks that are really important to you. Big breakthroughs and celebrations are not indicated; the effects are more subtle, but still very important. This is a time of quiet and deep, purposeful activity.

I just wish my friggin eye would stop twitching. 

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