December 6, 2019

Birthday baby steps...

It's my birthday one week from today, yep on Friday the 13th dun, dunnn, duunnnnn, what could possibly go wrong?  (No worries, this date is actually good luck for me : )   I am taking the time this week to look back at 2019, before I begin a new silly cycle around the sun. I HAVE SO VERY MUCH TO BE GRATEFUL FOR.

I made huge changes personally in my identity, and in my physical body this year.  I began to make closer bonds with my family members I was estranged from.  This has been surprising healing.

For the first time in 10 years, I explored dating, and the possibilities of romantic love, passion and what that is like when you finally have reached a stage in your life where you know your worth and value and was courageous enough to say, YES, in exploring love.

After losing 172 pounds since 2015, swimming, living a keto lifestyle, learning how to eat with a (VSG) tiny tummy, the really weird truth about my weight loss success is, it didn't have much to do with food or exercise.

It's been kind of funny. People who have not seen me in a few years don't even recognize me. The before and after photos are RAD.

My 2015 Passport Photo.

Tré Taylor, Halloween 2019.
This year has been all about studying, learning, schooling myself to get enough courage to make smart, sound and well planned huge career change decisions.  With my new found confidence, I feel that I am being 'Called' to be a leader, and boldly and creatively express my talents in ways that will help and inspire people in the world, who need to make changes in themselves, like I did.  

I am behind the scenes, writing what I found to be the key components to my PERSONAL TRANSFORMATION.  STAY TUNED. 

Since I have been able to accomplish such a huge feat and keep the weight off long term, I thought about what else I could accomplish that I thought was impossible before.  Why not start my own company getting paid to do something I love?  Getting this big endeavor off the ground has been WAY OUT of my comfort zone.

That has never stopped me before. If you know me, I always find a way to get to my goal. I have been learning so much as I go through this process.  This is when being a good manager of self care and realism comes into play.  I am a dreamer, but I do have both of my feet on the ground. 

I like to get to know a person more than most when doing business or in sharing in intimate love. I like to vet them and build trust. I like to gather information so that I can make a good decision. 

Loyalty is my thang. When I make a commitment or a promise, I KEEP IT.  I don't make many, but when I do - IT'S SOLID. This has been one of the big secrets to my success.  When I make a commitment to myself, I make sure it is true with my unconscious as well as my conscious mind, life goals and is realistic. 

Once I know it's honest and real inside of me, I don't reneg on it.  I became accountable to myself.  This was a game changer for long term success in every area of my life.  Self respect, self trust, practicing healthy ways to soothe and manage stress, are still key to this success.

I am an extrovert, but I also am a little bit nervous about putting myself out into the world in such a personal way.  I mean REALLY SHINING my light out BIG and BOLDLY into the world.  I'd feel so much better knowing I had someone strong, smart and dependable cheering me on. Ideally someone who gets my weird wacky sense of humor. 

I'm leaving the steel cocoon soon Ladies and Gents, - to be heard and seen like never before, - to spread my wings and fly.

My goal is to build this side hustle successfully enough to build an inspiring, modern off-grid not so tiny, one of a kind home, and work from there.  It's my sort of un-retirement plan, to create a 'deliciously fun life, full of love, music, food, art & FUN." I thought I may want to start practicing this with one special someone first. I am sure there is someone out there who once see's what I am doing, will totally want to support me in this creative and profitable cool endeavor.

I am determined to find a way to create fulfilling, financial security and love in my life, this late in the game.  SECURITY, LOVE, FREEDOM - BALANCE...  At the end of the day, I am a pretty simple low maintenance lady.  I have lived a very simple minimalist lifestyle now for well over a year.  I don't want to do this project alone, so choosing the right people to trust is important. 

It's about ALL of YOU out there. Helping one another to find the happiness inside the core of who you are and to live your best life. It's about sending Love into the future in a way that will help empower the individual.  

If I have anything to do with this, it will be with STYLE, COMFORT, AND FUN! 

This entered my inbox this morning....

Each Day, More Precious Than The Last

Written by Maureen Hancock

In my work with the sick and dying, I am all too familiar with having that last day on earth. It is a humbling experience to be present when someone leaves their physical shell behind to journey home. It is in these moments that I am divinely aware of how precious each day is.

Recently, as I held the hand of a woman dying, she whispered this in my ear:  "If I had forgiven my son, he’d be holding my hand right now." 

Tell those around you they need to practice forgiveness and be grateful for the many blessings in their lives. Blessings come in big and small packages. Family is the most precious treasure we carry in our hearts.

Many of my clients say profound things to me as they physically let go. I’ve taken all of their words of wisdom and applied them to my daily living in the hopes that when it is my last day on earth, I can smile knowing I lived a life full of gratitude, joy, and unconditional love.

We have been given a superior gift–the ability to choose the attitude we’ll adopt for the day. When my cup is half empty, I find ways to fill it up. It is my choice to take the high road and work on being more positive, instead of wasting precious time and energy on negative comments, judgments, or anger.

I choose to love unconditionally, cherish friends, and appreciate the beautiful family that supports me and surrounds me in love. We have control over our thoughts, opinions, and actions (or inactions).

The attitude you choose each morning will determine how the rest of your day plays out. How will you make the best of your day?

Make a conscious effort to be more positive. Understand that every challenge you face is an opportunity for growth. Surround yourself with positive people that bring out the best in you. Give back in small ways that make you feel good inside. Remember, the seed of hope was planted at birth–it’s up to you to nourish it.

If this was my last day on earth, I would squeeze little bits of joy out of my day until all those bits exploded around me like confetti. I would tell each one of my eight siblings what a difference they have made in my life. I would thank my mother for being my teacher, best friend, and instilling in me her values and grace. While holding my children tight, I would whisper in their ears that I will be their guiding light and remind them that love doesn’t die.

I wish you all a very happy holiday season and hope to toast with you to a beautiful new year ahead!  XXXOOO III

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