October 27, 2018

Nellie the Angel with fur – UPDATE…

So much has happened since my last post.  With a very sad heart I have to report, Nellie the sweetest dog that I have been dog sitting this month, had to be put down this week. 

Last week, she began to suffer a new set of terrible health problems. She was almost 19 years old, (that is 130 years old in human years), she was almost completely blind, deaf, incontinent, and was losing motor function of her legs and very disoriented most of the time.

3 days after my last post, she began to show signs of what looked like a stroke.  I rushed her to the veterinarian emergency hospital, and then Wednesday, October 24th, I gently caressed her sweet little head, as the doctor softly helped her cross over the rainbow bridge.

My heart goes out to the Doyle family who gave her the richest most loving and beautiful life. It was an honor to be her friend.

She is so very missed.

HUGE THANKS to my sweet friends who were by my side and my support and help during this very sad and difficult situation. Love you all tons!

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