November 20, 2016

Lucky Number 7

Jeez man, I am feeling better everyday since my hysterectomy surgery.  I am also on HRT patch and I'm finally feeling normal again.  I was suffering for so long, I forgot what feeling good was like.  It's really all about the quality of life from here on out and teaching our future generations about how to make better decisions based on moral, ethical and virtuous standards and that the very belief in authority is causing the very chains that bind them.

I wished these meat suits lasted longer than 100 years a pop.  I am just starting to get a clue on how to love, live and make the world a more beautiful place.  500 years would be about right, maybe longer, but not full of hack-able nano chips, robotic parts and A.I. implants.  I want us to return to what we once were designed to be, before human DNA genome was downgraded into what it is today.  Our light bodies have many more capabilities than these meat suits will allow.

I am one of the more intuitive types. It feels like the frequencies in this reality are still changing, but stronger spurts are happening again.  I noticed it most in 2004, something huge shifted.  I am feeling it again this year, but in a better more forward motion.

Nature has a way of correcting itself. No amount of A.I. or sorcery can suppress the magnificence and power we have inside each one of us for much longer.  The State, Big Brother, the Man, the False light, the Demiurge, or whatever you want to call it. It isn't fooling anyone anymore.

The Real Revolution of awakening is happening, right now.  

The new generations of old beings have been brought here with a purpose.  My insights say as far as Great Awakenings go, that it will be the Seventh Great Awakening will be a rejection of all others before. It will end the current structure and be the beginning of true freedom for all of humanity.  I hope to live long enough to see it for myself.

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