January 13, 2016

Happy New Year 2016 World...

So much has changed since my last entry here.  

* My sweet 15 year old Diva kitty died peacefully in her sleep.
* I moved out of Pacifica into a bigger place 10 minutes from my work in South San Francisco.

* I lost 60 pounds so far since May 2015.
* I have normal blood pressure for the first time in 20 years.
* No more sleep apnea.
* My heart arrhythmia has stopped happening.
* I now have health benefits for the first time in 10 years. I went and had EVERYTHING checked out and my health is good. My back and joints don't hurt as much too.
* I found a new mechanic for my VW 'Leopard Lounge' Bus and should have her purring for this glamping season.
* My father came and visited me and my brother over the holidays.  This was the first time he has ever done such a thing in our lives.  It was really great to see him.  He looks good.
* I may even consider going on a date with a cute boy sometime in the near future.
* I am working on the new Glamp-O-Rama event calendar for 2016.  I am waiting for a couple date confirmations and once things are solid, I'll post them on the blog soon.
* I am almost ready to begin my new Tres Jazz Music Project.  I'm still working on the songs and finding new players. Stay Tuned.
* I feel like this will be an introspective year for me.  I expect to write a lot more.


Things they are a changing for the better!

Ready to rumble.

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