July 27, 2010

The Golden Ratio = 1.61803399, Timewave Zero & Naps...

Today felt like I was given this gift of unemployment/rest as a great thank you for service; a service of smiles, warm comfort food hugs and great music. I am so thankful for this time off right now.  I found it hard to get out of bed today, I really need some sleep. I have so much to do, so many fun things to accomplish with this free time, and I found myself wide awake in the dark of my bed room last night thinking about Timewave Zero Theory. Novelty it’s my life. When I compare myself to the western world and its culture, I sure have not been at home. I was born here, but I mean – I am so different compared to the left brained dominant society.  The way I have lived my life has been novel. I didn’t do what I was told, ever…pretty much.
I live every moment following my instincts. I always end up meeting the most interesting beautiful people doing something great in ways I could have not imagined using my monkey mind. Living open in the Now state of consciousness and practicing being here and in present time has been the greatest gift my life has given me so far. I guess not having a lot of expectations makes life full of wonderment and appreciation for beauty and novelty as it unfolds and as I create it. It’s emotionally and psychologically simpler. It is gentler on the soul overall.
I remember how amazed I was as an American woman visiting Aix en Provence in the south of France on holiday and watching them close all the businesses at noon for the afternoon break/siesta and thinking how astonishing that was, a whole culture stopping to sit down and rest for awhile. Americans don’t do that. That had a profound effect on me, plus I am a big fan of naps.  In my art, one theme and shape that has always shown up is the Golden Mean, a large spiral…. A swirl, be it spinning or not always is in all of my artistic self expressions. It vibrates different patterns by each different frequency and uncovers the hidden meme that is in all creation here in this third density. As if consciousness itself were creating itself with every emotion, swirling, turning, and rippling upward and also downward, are separating onward both directions into eternity of awareness’s. Whoa.
I think Terrence McKenna was an epic explorer for the human spirit. I think his Timewave Zero Theory is interesting, especially the way it seems to be mapping out profound human world events in a linear timeline. What had me staying in bed was the realization that according to the theory, the concentration of such events replicating history is being condensed within this very spiral of time. Not that time is speeding up, but that Novelty is, much more creation within a shorter amount of time. Look at nanotechnology and the advancements in science today. It is undeniable. The suppression of energy and health technologies will no longer be able to be held back. New thoughts and novelty are afoot my friends.
I just laid here today thinking about how intense it is to be alive during this pinnacle time in human history, and thankful that I get to have a front row seat during the immense change that is happening. It makes me want to kick Ray Kurzweil in the head. It feels like we are being squeezed through a big birth canal of conciousness.  I just hope it won’t hurt too much before it gets better, and if it does, I’ll be here in service; a service of smiles, warm comfort food hugs and great music to get you through it.  Watch these....



Anonymous said...

First, you are surely not female. Second, you are surely not a diva. Surely...

Girls don't think or talk about this kind of stuff.

Tré Taylor said...

I probably am not a diva but I do have a vagina and stop calling me Surely.

Anonymous said...

love the reference!